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Take a trip to the harbor city of Kaohsiung. You will find that everything is totally different!
The emerging fashion district that centers on Hanshin Department Store, the artistic and romantic coffee shops by the side of Love River, Urban Spotlight where street arts assemble, the international port where vessels of all types anchor, though the whole new Kaohsiung that integrates modern trend and the essence of classic culture is without high mountains and vast waters, its extensive story of the development of humanities and cultures and the prosperity and advancement of commercial trade will certainly bring you a unique feeling and experience.
The emerging fashion district that centers on Hanshin Department Store, the artistic and romantic coffee shops by the side of Love River, Urban Spotlight where street arts assemble, the international port where vessels of all types anchor, though the whole new Kaohsiung that integrates modern trend and the essence of classic culture is without high mountains and vast waters, its extensive story of the development of humanities and cultures and the prosperity and advancement of commercial trade will certainly bring you a unique feeling and experience.
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